Previous courses
Contemporary streams of institutional theory in management and accounting (7.5 ECTS/credits)
The course was held 5-9 August 2024 in Bodø, Norway An increasing number of research communities acknowledge the need for an interdisciplinary approach in management and accounting research. Understanding [...]
Sufficiency in Organization and Management Studies (SOMS), (5 ECTS)
The course was held in May 2024, in Helsinki (Finland) and online Course description: Global society is facing great challenges as we have entered the Anthropocene epoch in which [...]
Social Sustainability and Work: Inequality, Precarisation and Practices for Social Justice (7.5 ECTS)
The course was held in November 2023 – May 2024, in Gothenburg (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland) and online Course description: Recent debates on how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, [...]
Consumer Culture Theory: Foundations, Frontiers and Application (7.5 ECTS)
The course was held in September – October 2023, online and at the Stockholm Business School (Sweden) Course description: The aim of course was to introduce early-stage doctoral students [...]
The Anthropocene Materiality and Society (7.5 ECTS)
The course was held in March – June 2023, on the Åland Islands and online The Anthropocene denotes the age in which human activity fundamentally affects the Earth’s geology [...]
Digital Marketing and Social Media (6 ECTS)
This online course was originally given in August, 2021. Thanks to the positive experiences from the first course, the team decided to arrange it again in April 2023. The [...]
Contemporary research in human resource management from a Nordic perspective (7.5 ECTS)
The course was held January 16 – March 21, 2023. The course was taught online, except for two final days on site at the University of Gothenburg. Course description: [...]
Advanced spatio-temporal analysis: Methods in understanding tourists’ behavior (7.5 ECTS)
The course was organized in April - September 2022, divided into three sessions: The first session was offered online and arranged by the department of business studies, Uppsala University, [...]
Introduction to Systems Thinking in Marketing (7.5 ECTS)
The course was organized by the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden), in collaboration with Hanken School of Economics (Finland) in January – June, 2022. Course description: Systems thinking has [...]
Consumer Culture Theory: Foundations, Frontiers and Application (7.5 ECTS)
The course was organized in March - June 2022 on Zoom by Stockholm Business School. Course description: The aim of course is to introduce early-stage doctoral students in marketing [...]
Researching Accounting and Change – Qualitative and Processual Approaches (7.5 ETCS)
The doctoral course was held in June 2022. Organized by Inland University, NTNU & CBS. Course description: The course introduces various strands of accounting research that applies qualitative approaches, [...]
Doing Fieldwork in Organizations (6 ETCS credits)
The doctoral course was held in June 2022. Organized by Aalto University School of Business In the history of management and organization studies, ethnography has been – and still [...]
The Artful Making of Management and Organization (6 ETCS)
The doctoral course was held in June 2022. Organized by Åbo Akademi University This course focuses on the encounters and connections between performing arts(theatre), aesthetics, and theoretical debates in [...]
Writing for Academic Publication in Management and Organizational Studies (4 ECTS)
The course was organized by the Stockholm Business School (Sweden) on Zoom in February 2022. Course description: This intensive week-long course is about the craft of academic writing. The [...]
Consumer Marketing (6 ECTS)
The doctoral course was held October 12-15, 2021 online (zoom). Organized by University of Vaasa, Finland in collaboration with Aarhus University, Denmark. Course description: The course provides an overview [...]
Digital Media Analytics (4 ECTS)
The course was organized on Zoom by KTH Royal Insititute of Technology (Sweden) in April – June, 2021. Course description: Digital research methods are opening up possibilities to conduct [...]
Strategies, Digitisation and Networks (7.5 ECTS)
The course was organized in April – June, 2021 by Uppsala University (Sweden). Course description: Within industrial marketing, collaboration is central where inter-organizational interactions take place in relationships between [...]
Contemporary research on public administration: Close readings on PhD theses (7.5 ECTS)
The course was organized in December 2020 – May 2021 by the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Åbo Akademi University (Finland). Course description: The general goal of the course [...]