The course was organized in April – September 2022, divided into three sessions:

The first session was offered online and arranged by the department of business studies, Uppsala University, on April 22-23, 2022. The topics covered during this first session were:

  • Historical development of research in the field (from marketing, cultural geography to tourism, economics and statistics)
  • Theoretical perspectives and assumptions related to tourists’ spatio-temporal behaviors
  • The importance of a geographical characteristics on behaviour, where tourists’ and destinations characterized by urban and rural environments will be the focus.
  • Introduction to advanced methods and design of spatio-temporal data collection and analysis

The second session took place May 16-17, and was offered in a hybrid format, with the face-to-face teaching taking place at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University, Sweden. In the session the main focus was on hands-on data processing and analysis. The topics covered were:

  • Advanced geo-data processing methods
  • Methods for design and analysis of survey studies related to geo-data processing
  • Laboratory experiment teaching elements
  • Ethical considerations
  • Publication strategies, part I

During part 2, PhD candidates also presented a synopsis based in data/method, research mode/literature.

For the third session that took place in September 20-22, 2022, hosted by CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark, the PhD students presented their course papers and were assigned as discussants on each other’s contributions. In the papers the students were required to present their own research design, data collection and analysis. The session was organised as a workshop that also included publication strategies II.

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