The doctoral course was held in June 2022. Organized by Inland University, NTNU & CBS.

Course description:

The course introduces various strands of accounting research that applies qualitative approaches, like case studies and ethnographies, to study the role of accounting in relation to; management control, strategy and organizational change and innovation processes, using a variety of theoretical approaches, like; contingency theory, behavioral accounting, organizational culture and politics, symbolic interactionism, New Institutionalism, governmentality, and Actor-network Theory.

Course directors:

Kjell Tryggestad, professor, Department of Business Administration at the
Business School faculty, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.


Inger Johanne Pettersen, professor, Trondheim Business School at NTNU.

Peter Skærbæk, professor, Copenhagen Business School.

Kjell Tryggestad, professor, Department of Business Administration at the
Business School faculty, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

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