December 1 to December 5, 2025 at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark and/or online

 You can attend the course in person in Copenhagen, fully online or in a hybrid format.

Students can select 5 ECTS or 7.5 ECTS at registration. The 5 ECTS option requires hand-in of a research proposal (2,500 words); the 7.5 ECTS option participation in an additional group project with an additional workload of circa 70 hours per student.

The course aims to equip PhD students with advanced methodological tools and frameworks to push the boundaries of entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship is a pluralistic and interdisciplinary domain. By exploring both established and emerging qualitative research methods in entrepreneurship, students will develop the skills to investigate this complex phenomenon and understand how it draws on a variety of different disciplines and methodological perspectives. Emphasis will be placed on grounded theory, qualitative interviews, narrative approaches, historical methods, and ethnographic approaches (including netnography). The discussion will also explore different coding strategies, visualization techniques, and the use of AI tools to uncover new insights in entrepreneurship studies and experiment with new forms of research presentations. Students will discuss how to contribute to the diverse field of entrepreneurship studies with methodologically rigorous work, how to present methodological approaches in publications, and which opportunities there exist for expanding and deepening the field.


  • Christina Lubinski, Professor, Department of Business Humanities and Law, CBS
  • Daniel Wadhwani, Professor, Department of Business Humanities and Law, CBS & University of Southern California, USA
  • Ewald Kibler, Associate Professor, Aalto School of Business
  • Maija Renko, Professor, Aalto School of Business
  • Anna Brattström, Associate Professor, Lund University
  • Ester Barinaga, Professor, Lund University

Registration deadline and more information

For more information, please see the full course announcement on the CBS website or contact Christina Lubinski.

The registration deadline is 16 October 2025.

N.B. If you wish to cancel your registration, it must be done by this date. By this deadline, we determine whether there are enough registrations to run the course or decide who should be offered a seat if we have received too many registrations. If seats are still available, we will extend the registration deadline to fill the remaining spots. Once you receive our acceptance/welcome letter, your registration becomes binding, and no course fee refunds will be issued. The binding registration date is the deadline mentioned above.

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