The course was organized in December 2020 – May 2021 by the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Åbo Akademi University (Finland).

Course description:

The general goal of the course is two folded. Firstly, it aims to give an orientation of contemporary research in social sciences (as business administration, sociology, political science, public administration), that elaborate on and problematize trends in public administration its organizations, governance, management, control and context. That goal is met by the reading of, discussing and reflecting on contemporary PhD theses (not older than three years).

Secondly, the course aims to give an understanding of PhD theses as a genre. This aim is met through seminars where the PhD theses form and content is discussed. The PhD theses are selected by the participating doctoral students. The course has eight such seminars, at each three (3) PhD theses are discussed, and each participant writes a reflection to each seminar on beforehand. The course is finalized with course paper where the participant connects the two aims, the read theses and the own ongoing PhD project.

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