KTH Royal Institute of Technology
The KTH Ph.D. Program in Industrial Economics and Management provides high-quality graduate education that prepares our graduates to become successful researchers, or to advance in their chosen professional careers.
Our research addresses the development of effective industrial operations, technology-based business, and the conditions for innovation, organizational development, and sustainable growth in industrial applications. The programme is multidisciplinary and characterized by a diversity of approaches and theoretical perspectives, creating a flourishing environment for academic research.
The programme offers doctoral training within two subjects at the third educational cycle (forskarutbildningsämnen):
Industrial Engineering and Management (Industriell ekonomi och organisation)
Addresses issues of management of innovation, operations, and marketing in established and emerging industries. Most research is pursued at the organizational level, but studies of inter-organizational relations, industrial and technological transformations, as well as micro-studies of work processes are also included.
Economics (Nationalekonomi)
Addresses issues of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services on industrial, national, or international levels of analysis. Economics at KTH is characterized by a strong emphasis on econometric analyses applied to technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.